We will know more about the war and the response to Iran after Nov.5,2024. I suspect Biden asked Israel to delay the Iran part of the war till after the presidential election. It may be just one of those things due to Israel ties to the U.S. for military hardware and munitions. We will see-Caroline seems to have the picture pretty well explained but I think from reading the Hunter Biden lap top records there is a financial piece to the puzzle that includes Iran and other Axis members sending funds to politicians in many countries in the west. I only hope that if Trump becomes POTUS again his administration creates an Interntional corruption fighting team. If the team uncovers bribes and favors, it will help make for a better world.
Bibi needs to send the best diplomats Israel has to offer to straighten out the Lebanon problem. My choice for the diplomatic role is the IDF and the Mossad. These two diplomats seem to get the best deals for Israel and the Jewish people.
No need for the United States to protect a NATO member who supports global terrorism. France is too weak to remain a part of Nato, The U.S. Senate and House will need to address who belongs in NATO 2024.Does Turkey still belong in NATO? Does Spain a pro terrorist country belong in NATO. France and Spain along with several other European countries no longer deserve the tax dollars of Americans to protect them from the Axis of Evil when they are closeted members of the Axis. The closet door has now been opened by Israel and we need to only support and work with countries and people who support freedom and the rule of law (Western civilization).
Time to build a deep water moat at the Egyptian/ Gaza border. Design should use the beautiful Mediteranean water to feed the moat. Israeli technologies will develop sensors and deep well technology to sense tunneling 100,s of feet below the moat. Then the moat will help fill the tunnels with lots of cool water to wash out the tunnel builders. I also hope the moat can become a great source for aqua culture.
Great uplifting story. I hope Israel will work with other interested nations who do not want to depend on just the superpowers for weapons supply. Potential and existing partners for greater munitions development are Taiwan , India, Japan, Philippines, Germany, Argentina, Hungary, The Abraham accord partners with potential new members, and of course a continuation of work with the Great United States of America but with an understanding that the U.S.A. is not a dependable partner and depending which party (socialist democrats or Marketplace Republicans) what is expected from the U.S.A needs to be understood by Israel that a steady flow is not a reality for the foreseeable future.
Good response to a nation who is no friend. I would pull their Kosher representatives from the country and force them to cancel kosher certified salmon and kosher herring products. Make them switch to halal certified and see how happy their very large fishing industry will be.
Alex is right on target. The border threats to Israel will be under control and the time to neutralize. Iran will aproach. The dems are releasing Gitmo terrorists in preparation for a change of administrations. Release of criminal Russians also getting done before the change
PArdons and commutations come soon. The time is favorable and Trump would prefer. ISRAEL should be at peace when he returns to the presidency with the senate and house in GOP. control.
time to give every student a voucher to go to the school they wish to go to with teachers that they like and teachers that don't hate them or their country.
May I suggest a memorial across the street from the Spanish embassy/consulate commemorating the deaths of all the Jews Spain killed and kicked out of Spain when they had the inquisition. We should remind them every day when the Spanish representatives walk into their terrorist loving embassy that they have plenty of Jewish blood on their hands. They have one of the ugliest histories of any countries when it comes to Jew murder and hatred. When the commies finish killing the Spanish economy, then the Muslims will finish them off and ready them for the Asian power grab.
It is entirely possible that Putin will say that just the way Norway feels the Arabs living around Israel should have a homeland, Putin feels the slavs living along the Norwegian border with Russia wanted to be part of Russia after the Nordic wars of the 1700's and Putin will now help them become Russian. Putin then grabs a chunk of Norwegian land and Norway will just have to hope that NATO steps up to help. I think NATO will suggest that Norway go to the ICC court and ask the court to order Russia to return the land they grab.
Sue them. Help them lose grants.help them lose real-estate tax exemptions. Suggest all donors require Harvard fight jew hatred and protect Jewish students in order to get the donation. Use the Benjamin's as leverage. After all _--it,,s all about the Benjamin's as that pro america congress rep from minn. Says.
Saudis look at the ethics and loyalty of the U.S.A and to them Israel looks good, they would rather link with Israel than the U.S.---most unfortunate for a great country like the United States. If the communists continue to govern, The U.S. foreign policy will be done by groups of states, not by Washington.
may I suggest the following donors to Northwestern ask for the keys back to the buildings they gave as a message that Jew Hatred is not right. Start closing the Segal visitor center, the Henry Crown Sports Pavillion, Feinberg school of medicine, the Pritzker school of law, Weinberg college of Arts and science, Arthur Rubloff building, Robert Lurie research center.
Please feel free to add more gifts and scholarships donated by Jews to Northwestern, then we can begin other schools and institutions who decide to turn their backs on their Jewish students.
Lucky this woman was not blinded. Time to register with the local police department and carry a weapon to protect from these hostile and uncontrolled neighbors.
I do not believe Kirby. He has a history of untruths. The U.S.A likely said "attack, but try to limit the deaths", the U.S. doesn't want Biden to completely lose the Jewish vote. The communist Jews will stick with the dems, but the few democrat Jews who have a brain may not like the idea that the U.S. President gave a green light to attack Israel and kill innocent civilians. The rest of the world will applaud the death of innocent Jews. They always feel better when people who have purpose are removed, much better for a person to be a thief, a victim, a parasite.
The big question is how do you have a relationship with a great power that stabs you in the back?
Now is the right time to finish off Hamas in Rafah--the U.S.A does not have a clear understanding of the threat. The State Dept. is led by older students and professors, they teach but have no understanding of reality. The old saying is those who can, do, those who can't teach. The State Dept is a teaching agency.
the Michigan primary in 2020 was only 1 1/2% less voters for undecided than this year 2024. The Anti-Israel vote may have grown by less than 1 1/2 %. The bigger question is will Jew hating Jews, some who have hijacked older Jewish institutions and charities be recognized as just communist/socialists using their Jewish connections to attract the Benjamins from Jews who still think these groups are helping Jewish people. It's time for donors to the democrat party as well as many Jewish charities wake up and redirect their philanthropy to those who stand with Israel and the Jewish people.
Thank you for a great interview with the man who is really the Vice President of Israel. Ron Dermer is a very smart and well-rounded person. He understands that the communist axis including Iran is not just about Islam, if it was Iran would not sleep with China who is at war with the Uyghur Moslems. This is all about global communism, and thus the reason we have communists in the western nations who are pro Iran, Pro Hamas and hate Israel. The communist threat is alive and part of its narrative is NO Israel. Thank you, Ron, for all the wonderful work you do for Israel and the Jewish people. Alex thank you for your targeted questions.
Don't put all your eggs in ONE basket. The U.S. companies make great equipment, but the U.S. government is not a dependable supplier. If a Brotherhood sympathizer (or secret member) is in a powerful position, they would likely hold back delivery of needed military product. Good potential added suppliers would be Japan, Taiwan ,Germany, Great Britain, India. France could be helpful but again undependable delivery. Israel needs to become a more flexible buyer and perhaps if the Abraham accords grow Israel can buy certain items with the Abra
ham accord members. North Korea, Iran, Russia and China are working to develop military hardware together, Israel needs more partners and high quality partners.
Jack Barron
Posted on October 18, 2024We will know more about the war and the response to Iran after Nov.5,2024. I suspect Biden asked Israel to delay the Iran part of the war till after the presidential election. It may be just one of those things due to Israel ties to the U.S. for military hardware and munitions. We will see-Caroline seems to have the picture pretty well explained but I think from reading the Hunter Biden lap top records there is a financial piece to the puzzle that includes Iran and other Axis members sending funds to politicians in many countries in the west. I only hope that if Trump becomes POTUS again his administration creates an Interntional corruption fighting team. If the team uncovers bribes and favors, it will help make for a better world.
Jack Barron
Posted on October 10, 2024Bibi needs to send the best diplomats Israel has to offer to straighten out the Lebanon problem. My choice for the diplomatic role is the IDF and the Mossad. These two diplomats seem to get the best deals for Israel and the Jewish people.
Jack Barron
Posted on October 6, 2024No need for the United States to protect a NATO member who supports global terrorism. France is too weak to remain a part of Nato, The U.S. Senate and House will need to address who belongs in NATO 2024.Does Turkey still belong in NATO? Does Spain a pro terrorist country belong in NATO. France and Spain along with several other European countries no longer deserve the tax dollars of Americans to protect them from the Axis of Evil when they are closeted members of the Axis. The closet door has now been opened by Israel and we need to only support and work with countries and people who support freedom and the rule of law (Western civilization).
Jack Barron
Posted on September 1, 2024Time to build a deep water moat at the Egyptian/ Gaza border. Design should use the beautiful Mediteranean water to feed the moat. Israeli technologies will develop sensors and deep well technology to sense tunneling 100,s of feet below the moat. Then the moat will help fill the tunnels with lots of cool water to wash out the tunnel builders. I also hope the moat can become a great source for aqua culture.
Jack Barron
Posted on August 13, 2024Great uplifting story. I hope Israel will work with other interested nations who do not want to depend on just the superpowers for weapons supply. Potential and existing partners for greater munitions development are Taiwan , India, Japan, Philippines, Germany, Argentina, Hungary, The Abraham accord partners with potential new members, and of course a continuation of work with the Great United States of America but with an understanding that the U.S.A. is not a dependable partner and depending which party (socialist democrats or Marketplace Republicans) what is expected from the U.S.A needs to be understood by Israel that a steady flow is not a reality for the foreseeable future.
Jack Barron
Posted on August 8, 2024Good response to a nation who is no friend. I would pull their Kosher representatives from the country and force them to cancel kosher certified salmon and kosher herring products. Make them switch to halal certified and see how happy their very large fishing industry will be.
Jack Barron
Posted on August 1, 2024Alex is right on target. The border threats to Israel will be under control and the time to neutralize. Iran will aproach. The dems are releasing Gitmo terrorists in preparation for a change of administrations. Release of criminal Russians also getting done before the change PArdons and commutations come soon. The time is favorable and Trump would prefer. ISRAEL should be at peace when he returns to the presidency with the senate and house in GOP. control.
Jack Barron
Posted on July 20, 2024time to give every student a voucher to go to the school they wish to go to with teachers that they like and teachers that don't hate them or their country.
Jack Barron
Posted on May 27, 2024May I suggest a memorial across the street from the Spanish embassy/consulate commemorating the deaths of all the Jews Spain killed and kicked out of Spain when they had the inquisition. We should remind them every day when the Spanish representatives walk into their terrorist loving embassy that they have plenty of Jewish blood on their hands. They have one of the ugliest histories of any countries when it comes to Jew murder and hatred. When the commies finish killing the Spanish economy, then the Muslims will finish them off and ready them for the Asian power grab.
Jack Barron
Posted on May 26, 2024It is entirely possible that Putin will say that just the way Norway feels the Arabs living around Israel should have a homeland, Putin feels the slavs living along the Norwegian border with Russia wanted to be part of Russia after the Nordic wars of the 1700's and Putin will now help them become Russian. Putin then grabs a chunk of Norwegian land and Norway will just have to hope that NATO steps up to help. I think NATO will suggest that Norway go to the ICC court and ask the court to order Russia to return the land they grab.
Jack Barron
Posted on May 23, 2024who cares if Schumer comes or not. He is a socialist first, a democrat second, then an American by birth and a Jew by birth.
Jack Barron
Posted on May 16, 2024Sue them. Help them lose grants.help them lose real-estate tax exemptions. Suggest all donors require Harvard fight jew hatred and protect Jewish students in order to get the donation. Use the Benjamin's as leverage. After all _--it,,s all about the Benjamin's as that pro america congress rep from minn. Says.
Jack Barron
Posted on May 16, 2024Sue them help them lose grant money. Help them lose cambridge.boston and any other tax
Jack Barron
Posted on May 7, 2024Saudis look at the ethics and loyalty of the U.S.A and to them Israel looks good, they would rather link with Israel than the U.S.---most unfortunate for a great country like the United States. If the communists continue to govern, The U.S. foreign policy will be done by groups of states, not by Washington.
Jack Barron
Posted on May 1, 2024may I suggest the following donors to Northwestern ask for the keys back to the buildings they gave as a message that Jew Hatred is not right. Start closing the Segal visitor center, the Henry Crown Sports Pavillion, Feinberg school of medicine, the Pritzker school of law, Weinberg college of Arts and science, Arthur Rubloff building, Robert Lurie research center. Please feel free to add more gifts and scholarships donated by Jews to Northwestern, then we can begin other schools and institutions who decide to turn their backs on their Jewish students.
Jack Barron
Posted on April 21, 2024Lucky this woman was not blinded. Time to register with the local police department and carry a weapon to protect from these hostile and uncontrolled neighbors.
Jack Barron
Posted on April 17, 2024I do not believe Kirby. He has a history of untruths. The U.S.A likely said "attack, but try to limit the deaths", the U.S. doesn't want Biden to completely lose the Jewish vote. The communist Jews will stick with the dems, but the few democrat Jews who have a brain may not like the idea that the U.S. President gave a green light to attack Israel and kill innocent civilians. The rest of the world will applaud the death of innocent Jews. They always feel better when people who have purpose are removed, much better for a person to be a thief, a victim, a parasite. The big question is how do you have a relationship with a great power that stabs you in the back?
Jack Barron
Posted on April 12, 2024Now is the right time to finish off Hamas in Rafah--the U.S.A does not have a clear understanding of the threat. The State Dept. is led by older students and professors, they teach but have no understanding of reality. The old saying is those who can, do, those who can't teach. The State Dept is a teaching agency.
Jack Barron
Posted on March 18, 2024the Michigan primary in 2020 was only 1 1/2% less voters for undecided than this year 2024. The Anti-Israel vote may have grown by less than 1 1/2 %. The bigger question is will Jew hating Jews, some who have hijacked older Jewish institutions and charities be recognized as just communist/socialists using their Jewish connections to attract the Benjamins from Jews who still think these groups are helping Jewish people. It's time for donors to the democrat party as well as many Jewish charities wake up and redirect their philanthropy to those who stand with Israel and the Jewish people.
Jack Barron
Posted on March 9, 2024Thank you for a great interview with the man who is really the Vice President of Israel. Ron Dermer is a very smart and well-rounded person. He understands that the communist axis including Iran is not just about Islam, if it was Iran would not sleep with China who is at war with the Uyghur Moslems. This is all about global communism, and thus the reason we have communists in the western nations who are pro Iran, Pro Hamas and hate Israel. The communist threat is alive and part of its narrative is NO Israel. Thank you, Ron, for all the wonderful work you do for Israel and the Jewish people. Alex thank you for your targeted questions.
Jack Barron
Posted on January 20, 2024Don't put all your eggs in ONE basket. The U.S. companies make great equipment, but the U.S. government is not a dependable supplier. If a Brotherhood sympathizer (or secret member) is in a powerful position, they would likely hold back delivery of needed military product. Good potential added suppliers would be Japan, Taiwan ,Germany, Great Britain, India. France could be helpful but again undependable delivery. Israel needs to become a more flexible buyer and perhaps if the Abraham accords grow Israel can buy certain items with the Abra ham accord members. North Korea, Iran, Russia and China are working to develop military hardware together, Israel needs more partners and high quality partners.